我忘了從什麼時候開始,老公第一次跟我推薦「真愛每一天(About Time)」,但我因為很蠢的理由不聽他的建議;然後我記得,他跟我說他在回台灣參加告別式的那班飛機上,看了這部片,更推薦我一定要看;另外順道推薦一部「父後七日」。
那時,還沈淪在傷痛中的我,很固執的認為自己不需要在這些電影裡尋求慰藉;回美國後,我先是看了父後七日,最近看了About Time;前者黑色幽默過了頭,即使稍微打動我的心,力道卻很弱;後者深深觸動我內心的某部分,就是我所謂的「對的電影」
I love this movie, and I love those quotes: some are wise, some tell the truth, and some are just too smart (like the last one!) I'm gonna memorize every bit of it:
“So he told me his secret formula for happiness: part one of two part plan was I should just get on with ordinary life, living it day by day, like anyone else... But then came part two of Dad's plan: he told me to live everyday again, almost exactly the same. The first time with all the worries and tensions that stop us noticing how sweet the world can be; but the second time, noticing. ”
“And as many families do, we got used to life after death, and it was still fine. And things settled back into their traditional rhythms season after season and are much as they have always been.”
“I think I've learned the final lesson from my travels in time, and I've even gone one step further than my father did: I just to live every day as if I've deliberately come back to this one day to enjoy it as if it was a full final day of my extraordinary, ordinary life.”
“I just thought that maybe, you know, it was time for the insurance baby. In case one of them is really smart, we don't want the other one to feel stupid their whole life. And if we had the third one, then, we could have two happy dummies. ”很棒的電影:)
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